9 numerology 2014
9 numerology 2014

9 numerology 2014

You tend to be quite sensitive because you experience through the lens of feeling. All things mystic appeal to you and you feel the need to delve deeper-to see for yourself just what they may hold for you. This makes you very perceptive and accentuates your interest in the meaning behind everything you come across. Your quite inquisitive and your extreme sensitivity makes you understand and respond easily to people, atmosphere, attitudes, music, sounds, color, and personalities. Your genial ways often put you in the lead in whatever you pursue. You meet people easily and are quickly befriended because of your openness and amiable demeanor. You’ve the ability to make friends easily, as people are attracted to your magnetic, open personality. The 9 Life Path indicates you have a commanding presence.

9 numerology 2014

In this, however, the 9 Life Path is not apt to get rich since they’re very generous-many times to a fault-and usually have an easy come, easy go attitude about money.

9 numerology 2014

Material gain is not overly important, although some Life Path 9 people are materially rewarded in significant ways. The 9, being the highest of the single digit numbers, holds an elevated position in terms of responsibilities to mankind. The key to the nature of a Life Path number 9 is found in their humanitarian attitude. The Life Path 9 suggests that you entered this plane with an abundance of dramatic feelings coupled with a strong sense of compassion and generosity. Your life rests on the axiom that the more one gives, the larger the reward. Very often, this turns into a highly successful and lucrative enterprise. If you’re a 9 with financial means, you’d do well to tie your personal fortunes to an endeavor that makes the world a better place for others. The most successful and satisfying road for a Life Path 9 is giving, sharing, and sacrificing for a larger goal without expecting anything in return.ĭoing for others is one of your finest characteristics, and you derive extreme pleasure from knowing that you were able to help in some way. One of your lessons is learning to let go of material possessions and relationships learning that holding on too tightly to anything causes pain. Rather than being satisfied with your efforts, and those of others, you relentlessly push on, striving for even greater accomplishments.Ī key to your personality is the necessity of sacrifice. You don’t want to accept the imperfections of the world, a feeling that drives you constantly to try to improve upon it. You’re often disappointed by the realities of life, the shortcomings of others, or of yourself. Vocations that require self-sacrifice and have a clear positive social impact are common among 9s. But because of your strong social consciousness, you can be an effective politician, lawyer, judge, minister, teacher, healer, or environmentalist. These abilities can lead you into fields such as interior decorating, landscape art, and photography. You have a healthy imagination and are extremely creative, especially at harmoniously arranging the beauty already potential in the environment. Instead, they evaluate people on the basis of what they can do for-contribute to-the larger cause. The person with a 9 Life Path is rarely prejudiced or accepts social biases of people. You tend to see the big picture, rather than the minute details. It’s in giving that you find much satisfaction. You spend your life trying to realize some aspect of your utopian dream-sacrificing money, time, and energy for a better world. Therefore, it carries all of the same attributes and negatives attendant to each, making your energy highly charged in every way. Life Path 9 (18/9, 27/9, 36/9)- The Humanitarian LeaderĪ 9 Life Path is the sum total of all the other numbers.

9 numerology 2014