In strategic terms, international cooperation is vital to fight terrorism. The United States of America has also faced major security threats, which reached new proportions with the terrorist attacks of 9/11. India has been a victim of various kinds of security threats, both internal and external. Widespread transnational terrorism and other anti-national movements have spurred the need to reconcile national security concepts and perspectives, in order to enable domestic development, growth and harmony. For the last two decades, the international community has been concerned by the emergence of non-state actors waging war against the state in ways hitherto unknown in conventional warfare. Changing security beliefs are based on global trajectories and the realignment of transnational environments. The issue of security can, therefore be considered in political, societal, and economic terms. Assessing security is a cognitive process based on the repertoire of beliefs that make up a person’s subjective view of reality. Beliefs about security are based on threat perceptions in the environment.